Monday, May 30, 2011


We have been watching the weather as we ponder which direction we should take next.  There have been unprecedented storms and tornadoes across the States this year and temperatures are unseasonably high.  The worst of the weather seems to be to the north and east and so we have decided to proceed east and south through Texas to Louisiana, if we have enough time.
As we cross into Texas we are on the Panhandle Plains.  It is flat as far as you can see, hot (around 100 deg.F), and dusty.  At Amarillo Visitor Centre we are encouraged to visit Palo Dura Canyon before we leave.  It is the second largest canyon in the country, but a speck in comparison to “The Grand”.  The cliffs are a nice red colour but it is too hot to do any walking.  Make camp in a side street of a dusty, quiet little town called Silverton.  It is very hot all night.
After an all day drive through corn, cotton and wheat farming country we arrive in Wichita Falls via a short detour into Oklahoma and back.  It is still hot and it was 110 deg.F here yesterday.  Mid summer temperatures are being recorded here already.  Hope it doesn’t last!
Supermarket prices are very good.  We have bananas at $1 per Kg., strawberries at $3.50 for 1 Kg. and blueberries at $2 for 340 g.  RV Park prices are good too. At Wichita Falls we have pool, wi-fi, lake, large sites for $25 for the 4 of us.

Texas - that means oil!

Hot, flat and very dusty

Palo Dura Canyon


  1. Wow the scenery looks amazing....

    I wish I was over there in the hot weather. At the moment it is about 16deg and it hasn't stopped raining for the last 3 days.....Arghhh over this rain.

    Glad you are all having fun, you all look like you are enjoying yourselves (and each others company - haha)

    Love S.

  2. Bring me back some Bananas please haha!!!!!!

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