Monday, May 30, 2011

Bandelier State Monument & Enchanted Circle

Spent a couple of hours at the Bandelier State Monument looking at the  cliff dwellings of pueblo Indians.  There is a paved walkway along the bottom of the cliffs and visitors are able to climb ladders into the caves and there is evidence of three levels of dwelling having been added to the cliff at certain points.  The caves were decorated with paintings and there are petroglyphs also on the cliffs.  The cliffs themselves were formed by volcanic ash and are 1000 ft. high.

The Rio Grande near Taos cuts a deep gorge into the landscape and approaching by road you would not know it was there.  The area is flat then suddenly we are on a bridge and the gorge drops below to a depth of 1000 feet.  This is the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge.  Where we parked to view the gorge there were Indians selling jewellery.  We could not resist some nice beads.  One stall holder was wearing a lovely turquoise necklace.  John made her an offer for it, which she accepted, so I have acquired a nice piece.  She said she had traded it from another woman who wanted a religious cross she had made from bone.

The Enchanted Circle is a loop road from Taos through Red River, Eagle Nest, Angel Fire and back to Taos.  The road runs through high alpine pine forest at around 9000 ft.  It is Memorial Day Long weekend and we think that everyone who owns a motorbike is on the road this weekend.  We pass streams of them and soon realise why.  There is a bikers rally in Red River and there are an estimated 30,000 arriving for the weekend.  It is an amazing sight with beautiful bikes and bikers in leathers filling the streets.  At Angel Fire we call in to see the first Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the country.  Dr. Westphall and his wife were going to build a resort here.  However, when their son was killed in Vietnam they decided to build a War Memorial instead.  It has become a rallying point on Memorial Day ever since. Apparently on Memorial Day, the hill on which the Memorial stands will be covered in a sea of American flags.  There is a chapel, museum, a helicopter and a memorial garden.  It is a moving place.  As we travel this weekend, there are American flags everywhere.
We have thoroughly enjoyed New Mexico – the scenery, the culture, the food.  The State bird of New Mexico is the Roadrunner and the State flower is the Yucca.  Actors Shirley MacLaine, Robert Redford and Ophra have homes here in Santa Fe.

Three brothers on way to Memorial Day

Field of Rememberance

Main Street, Red River

Dear Mom..

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